Tonight's wrestling meet at Tri-Center will be streamed on the NFHS Network, and can be accessed through our school's page.
Return devices tomorrow.
Tomorrow's JH girls basketball game at Stanton has been cancelled.
Elementary Newsletter
Reading Assessments next week
Tomorrow’s Junior High girls basketball game vs Griswold has been postponed.
Tomorrow’s JV and Varsity basketball games at East Mills have been postponed.
Attached there is an order form for Girls State Wrestling T-Shirts. If you would like to order a T-Shirt please turn this form into the Elementary or High School Office by Monday 9:00 AM or send Coach Aaron Lang an email with your order and pay Tuesday morning.
If you have any questions you can contact Aaron Lang at the Sidney School or via email (
Thanks, Coach Aaron Lang
Please see attachment in Live Feed regarding remote learning for Friday, January 15th.
Junior High Girls Basketball Today:
For the games at Treynor, only immediate family members as spectators. Masks are required at all times, and there is no admission charge.
Link for livestream @ Treynor:
For the games at FM, we will follow our Corner Conference guidelines. 6 tickets and $3 admission.
Link for livestream @ FM:
Here is the schedule for the Corner Conference Basketball Tournament. Second team listed will be the home team and will wear white. Note the earlier start time for the first games to allow ample time to clear the gym between games.
All spectators will need a ticket in order to be admitted. Any spectator 5 years and older will need to pay the $5 admission fee.
All Corner Conference Winter Guidelines remain in effect.
Please see attachment in Live Feed for the latest winter activities guidance.
Elementary Newsletter, 1-08-2021
Winter screening assessments start next week.
Saturday's wrestling tournament at Winterset will maintain their 2 spectator per participant restriction.
Please note that this information only applies to the games for the MAC Shootout. This is not affiliated with the Corner Conference and is not related to any new guidelines.
There will be no spectator restrictions for this event. The MAC is ready and prepared for more people to attend all 13 games starting today (Friday at 2:30). Masks will be required and spectators will be expected to social distance between each household.
Both varsity girls and boys basketball teams will be participating in the MAC Shootout at the Mid-America Center. This communication contains all the information you will need for this.
Girls vs Underwood - 10:00 am
Boys vs Underwood - 11:30 am
Gameday Live Streaming Options:
Fan App through Scorevision: You can follow the Scorevision Scoreboard at the MAC CENTER by downloading the MAC's Fan App to follow all the games this weekend. The app is synced to the scoreboard and will show you play by play and who scored every time the scoreboard is updated.
Fan App on iPhone:
Fan App on Android:
Search for the Team: Mid-America Center to find all the games
Game Day Program
For tonight's junior high boys basketball games, we will be following our same spectator limitations that we have been using. Households of participants may attend.
We will be sending out new Corner Conference guidelines when they are available.
Reminder that all games tonight (including basketball at Shenandoah) will be live streamed through the NFHS Network.
Congratulations to Judy Foster on her well-deserved recognition from the IHSADA! Judy has been recognized for her years of dedicated service to the athletic directors of Fremont-Mills! This is just one very small part of all the things Judy does for Fremont-Mills, and we can't think of a more deserving recipient!
See below for more information:
The Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association is proud to announce the initiation of a new honor recognizing Athletic Administrative Assistants.
Emeritus status is an honor conferred by an organization to show respect
for a distinguished career. Emerita is the female equivalent of Emeritus.
The criterion is aiding the daily efforts of the Athletic Director a minimum of 25 years presently serving in an active role or if retired, retaining the
honorary title of that position. The candidate will be awarded a pin, certificate and plaque at a future event determined by the district’s Athletic Director.
The IHSADA congratulates Judy Foster on this distinguished honor and prominent achievement!
Reminder for Schedule Tonight:
4:00 - JH Boys Basketball vs Glenwood - South Gym
5:00 - JV Girls Basketball vs Griswold - North Gym
5:30 - JV & V Wrestling Quad - Sidney
6:00 - Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball vs Griswold - North Gym
Snow Boots and Extra Shoes for Elementary
There will be no weightlifting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 29th.