Connor Alley finishes 5th in Class 1A at the state track and field meet!

Connor Alley qualifies for the finals of shot put as the fifth seed!

Boys Shuttle Hurdle qualifies for the finals with the 4th fastest time in prelims!

State track shirts are in and can be picked up in the MP tonight until 6. They can also be picked up tomorrow morning in the office. If you have not yet paid, you will need to do so before taking your shirts.

We are still able to accept orders for state track shirts until 10 PM tonight. Orders can be placed by filling out the linked form below. Shirts will be available for pickup Wednesday evening.

Reminder - Senior Awards Night and Baccalaureate is tonight at 6:30 in the auditorium!

Orders for state track shirts can be placed by filling out the form linked below.
Payments can be made in the high school office or at the time of pickup. Orders will also be taken in the high school office. Please place your order before noon on Monday, May 13th to ensure delivery.

Tentative State Track Qualifiers:
Shuttle Hurdle Relay - Girls and Boys
400 Hurdles - James Switzer
Shot Put - Kendra Fichter and Connor Alley
Discus - Sophie Phillips, Kendra Fichter, Connor Alley
Long Jump - Lydia Alley and Jaeger Powers

Girls finish 2nd and Boys finish 3rd in the overall team standings at the district track meet hosted at FM! State qualifiers should be announced tomorrow!

FM Art Students recently competed in the Corner Conference Art Fair. Our students took more Best of Shows and 1st Places than any other participating school. Pictured are the Best of Show winners: Caylen Mayer - Adv. Ceramics/Sculpture, Josie Burress - Adv. Decorative Arts, Isabella Williams (2) - Beg. Painting and Beg. Drawing, Lexie Howard - Adv. Painting

2 art students from Fremont-Mills participated in the Vans Custom Culture Shoe Design Competition. Only 500 schools across the country were selected to participate in this contest that helps to support art education in schools. Caylen Mayer created a local flavor design based on the art of Iowa artist Grant Wood and Josie Burress created an off the wall design based on a Day of the Dead design.

Today’s state qualifying track meet has been postponed to Friday at the same time. JH Corner Conference track meet has been rescheduled to Monday at the same time and place.

State Large Group Music Contest Results
Concert Band - Division 1
Mixed Choir - Division 1
Treble Clef Choir - Division 2
Bass Clef Choir - Division 2

Large Group Contest Performances today in Audubon!
Treble Clef Choir - 4:28
Mixed Choir - 5:10
Bass Clef Choir - 5:38
Concert Band - 7:22